Courses Level Two
Short & Intensive
Level Two,
After level one
Limited numbers
B1 Theatre & Drama for Creative Self-expression
Honing personal expressive and performative skills
Often in the grind of daily work and life, we forget the creative person within! We experience life but fail to explore the possibility of expressing it such that it becomes a multi-layered communication - with our self, with others, and with the world.
A theatrical piece that is built on personal experience and expression is shaped with and through contemplation, story-making, role-play, design of metaphors, writing, and rehearsals. This process makes it possible to tell stories in startling and revealing ways.
Applied Theatre for exploration, expression, and performance skills.
Fridays, 6 pm
1 August to 5 September 2025
10 hours online sessions +
individual coaching + minimum 3 hours offline assignments
4.1 Conviction and expression
4.2 Role-play as a Metaphor: me and you, and the reverse
4.3 Text-based drama as a communication tool
4.4 Performative Element: Developing Solo Performance - where to begin and where to go
4.5 Performative Element: Idea, plot, characters, script, and sharing
Open to those who have done Course A1;
relevant to young people, actors, anyone interested in expression
Fees INR. 7300/- for B1 only
Discounted fees Rs. 12,800/- for A1 & B1 registered together, at the same time
B2 Advanced Dramatherapy: Specific Applications
Learning specialised tools and models of drama in therapy for special needs and mental health
The fundamental reasons for using the arts in therapy are well-established.
What kind of methodical approach and fine-tuning is relevant when using drama as therapy? Which groups or population types may benefit from the strength of theatre/drama? What works and what limitations should be considered in such settings?
Designed for Practitioners working in the field, this course visits the principles and models that have been used in the field with outcomes that are beneficial in dealing with specific healing concerns.
Applied Theatre for use in therapeutic settings.
Fridays, 6 pm
14 November to 12 December, 2025
10 hours online sessions +
individual coaching + minimum 3 hours offline assignments
5.1 Approaching special needs populations with tools of Theatre/Drama
5.2 Story-circles Model in Deaddiction
5.3 Theatre in/for Mental health
5.4 Working with special children and adults using drama skills
5.5 Performative Element: Devising and conducting a session
Open to those who have done Course A2;
relevant to therapists, counsellors, field workers working in healing/therapy
Fees INR. 8200/- for B2 only
Discounted fees Rs. 13,900/- for A2 & B2 registered together, at the same time
B3 Facilitating Theatre-based Learning for Children, in School & at Home
Learning the framework and systematic use of theatre/drama as tools in education
The benefits of theatre should reach many, especially children and those who really need it. Our motivation to work for others is strengthened with the accessible and friendly tools and techniques of theatre.
Having a systematic approach, appropriate framework, adequate inner resources, and honed skills in theatre facilitation make education and therapy far more effective.
Applied Theatre for Facilitation in Education, Community, and Therapy
Fridays, 6 pm
20 February to 20 March, 2026
10 hours online sessions +
individual coaching + minimum 3 hours offline assignments
Open to those who have done Course A3;
especially relevant to teachers, parents, facilitators in education.
Fees INR. 8200/- for B3 only
Discounted fees 13,900/- for A3 & B3 registered together, at the same time
6.1 Theatre for Children: significance and approaches
6.2 Play and playing: a toolkit for children and parents
6.3 Facilitation Skills: working with what is, and how
6.4 Ethics and boundaries
6.5 Creativity, unlimited: addressing diverse needs
6.6 Performative Element: Devising and conducting a session